Wednesday, May 22, 2019


     So the mission for today was to get moving. We wanted to get moved out of cicu so we had to physically get moving. Olivia was able to get up and move to a chair where she sat for 15 minute intervals twice as well as walk to the bathroom. She was really hurting after all of that she they had to give her some breakthrough medicine. Within 20 minutes, we were moved to the ccu in a wheelchair. To say she is miserable is an understatement. We were present for rounds in the cicu where they discussed her numbers and the technical stuff. We have some issues that we need to figure out Respiratory wise that hadn't been discussed prior after the Bronchoscopy from yesterday. What was nice to see though.... Was when we moved to the ccu the same doctor who saw Olivia on Saturday and Sunday is still on service. She walked into the room and immediately said.... Ooo swollen much? It wasn't the 3 liters in the computer that gave it away, but one look at her face. Her face and toes along with her belly are quite puffy. They are going to discuss, but may give her some Lasix to help reduce some of the puffiness. We are hopeful to keep up the fuild March and move onto crackers tomorrow.

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