Monday, July 22, 2013

Preparing for the journey isn't all bad

     Recently, we have been trying to prepare ourselves as much as possible for the upcoming journey in August. To make the process a little fun, we have been looking for fun new toys that will entertain all of us while we wait in the Cardiac Pre-op Center, CPRU and CICU. A girl deserves to have as much fun as possible during all of this, right? We have made a trip or two to Target and Toys r US, but knowing exactly what will occupy Olivia's time is hard to predict.

Several of our heart friends are preparing for the same journey we are. One particular friend created  a wish list on amazon of fun toys to make them smile and give her something different to play with. We have decided to create our own little wish list if anyone is interested in bringing a smile to her face while we are desperately trying to get over this last hump. With so much unknown, knowing Olivia will have something to make her happy would be a great gift in itself.

What we do know:

- We have called and put our names on a waiting list at the Ronald McDonald House in Camden. We will find out if we have a room the Monday before her surgery.
- Our flight leaves August 14th at 0600. Our pre-op appointment at CHOP is later that afternoon at 2 pm ET.
- Our surgery is currently scheduled for August 15th in the morning- no exact time.
- Recovery will be completely up to Ms. Olivia. There is no time limit or time frame for when she will be ready to come home.
- We know we will have lots of prayers from all of our friends and family here and on facebook.
- We will do whatever it takes to make sure our little girl continues to grow and learn about all of the love we have for her.

Here is the link for Olivia's wish list...