It has been a while since we have posted anything and we apologize. The saying no news is good news has been the motto that we have been following. Olivia has been given the all clear from her cardiologist for the next six months. Our jobs now, in his words, is to relax and enjoy watching her grow up. That is much easier said then done, because it has seemed like that for the last two and a half years we have been waiting for the other shoe to drop. So, Brett and I have decided we will try to take his advice and just enjoy her sassy, loveable, rebellious two year old self. Currently, we are on a family vacation making memories and exposing the whole family to new experiences. I have included some recent pictures of her swimming, putt putting, and on the beach. As you'll be able to see.. Ms. Olivia is quite the independent little personality that is determined to give us all a run for our money. Hey, we wouldn't have it any other way either.