Sunday, March 18, 2012

Rest for Olivia and Brett

Today, I slept all day and Brett held down the fort at the hospital. When I returned Brett and Olivia were both tired and frustrated. I sent him to the rmh to sleep and scooped her up. It took a minute to figure out how she wanted to be held but as long as she was cradled close she was happy and off to sleep. We are hoping they transition her to all PO meds tonight and wean the oxygen off tomorrow. The draining from her chest tube is less but not gone. We will know more tomorrow.


  1. Hi guys, its Sally from Oregon that's thinking about all of you and wishing you the best. Thinking about Cam too....Try to stay positive and just know we all are thinking about you and sending our best thoughts and prayers. I know it's hard when people step back, I've been through that, you just need to know we are behind you.....(I was born and raised in Pgh, just to the left of you....) My kids are there.....Sally

  2. hey its Felecia from the RMH.....i just want to let u guys knows that u are all in our thoughts and prayers....and im glad to see Olivia doing so well....Keep ur heads up and stay strong for her and never stop praying...I believe God does do miracles!!!! God Bless u all!!


Olivia loves to hear her mommy/daddy read your comments!